Terry Wendt

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Skills and Qualifications

I am leading and managing a comprehensive private-sector development plan for a passenger rail project, similar to the Brightline project in Florida. It involves engaging with a full range of professions in various skills relating to engineering, real estate and infrastructure economics, and political entitlements processes. Previously, I was Director of Planning and Design for “The Community Builders”, a mixed-income housing developer based in Boston, where I oversaw all physical planning for each community around the east coast and Midwest, in collaboration with the local housing authorities. I am the primary public speaker for the project. I have also served on church boards.


I would engage the Wharton Alumni Community in addressing issues related to regional growth, by sharing sustainable real estate planning and economic development principles with suburban municipal elected officials, planning and economic development staff, engineers, and business leaders, to enable restructuring of development regulations toward economic efficiencies and social benefits of mixed-uses and densities that enable reduced dependence upon automobiles and their related problems of congestion, safety, and inequities.