WEBINAR: Behavior Change for Good

Date and Time
Thursday, November 5, 2015
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Led by Wharton Professor Katherine Milkman. Her research relies heavily on "big data" to document various ways in which individuals systematically deviate from making optimal choices and how to reduce the incidence of such failures.


Behavior Change for Good 

Thursday, November 5, 2015  

11:00 am to Noon (CST)

Led By: Katherine Milkman 

Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions 


About the Session:

Employee and customer choices are heavily dependent on context. We know this from extensive behavioral economics research studying these populations. Choice architecture, or simply the way in which a choice is presented, can be a very valuable tool for improving employee outcomes and consumer choices. Learn in this webinar about how you can make use of this malleability by leveraging insights about what influences choices to guide the behavior of your employees and customers in helpful ways.

This webinar will cover: 

  • The basics of wise choice architecture
  • Nudges that have been proven to increase good decisions
  • Actionable takeaways for your business 


About the Speaker:

Katherine Milkman is an associate professor at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and she has a secondary appointment as an associate professor at the Perelman School of Medicine. Her research relies heavily on "big data" to document various ways in which individuals systematically deviate from making optimal choices. Her work has paid particular attention to the question of what factors produce self-control failures (e.g., undersaving for retirement, exercising too little, eating too much junk food) and how to reduce the incidence of such failures.

Katherine is the recent recipient of an early career award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, and when under 30, Milkman was named one of the world’s top 40 business school professors under 40 by Poets and Quants. Katherine has received numerous awards for her ability to communicate ideas to students. She is a recipient of the excellence in teaching award for the Wharton undergraduate division, was voted Wharton's "Iron Prof" by the school’s MBA students for a PechaKucha-style presentation of her research, and was one of ten finalists in 2014 and 2015 for the Anvil Award for Wharton’s most outstanding MBA teacher.

Katherine received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University (summa cum laude) in Operations Research and Financial Engineering and her Ph.D. from Harvard University's joint program in Computer Science and Business.


Space is limited, so register today by following the appropriate link below:

WHARTON ALUMNI: https://cessna.wharton.upenn.edu/webinar/?event=Webinar-110515

NON-WHARTON ALUMNI:  https://whartonalumniaffairs.wufoo.com/forms/wharton-webinar-series-katherine-milkman/