Date and Time
Thursday, October 22, 2020
7:00pm— 8:00pm
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Who's coming
Aaron Blatt Jose Granda
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Join your fellow Club members at 7 pm on Thursday, Oct. 22 night for a Virtual Ugly T-Shirt/Bingo Night. You wear an Ugly T-shirt, we supply virtual Bingo.

To play, buy your Bingo cards for $15 each. There will not be a limit on how many cards you can play at once. Friends and family welcome to play!

Prizes will be awarded for multiple bingo winners throughout the night giving you multiple chances to say BINGO!! First-person to get Bingo wins a Wharton coffee mug!  Ugly T-Shirt winner prize will also be awarded. Text your vote during the event.

This is a ticketed event. 1 bingo card = $15. It's fun for the whole family. You can get a card for each member of your family when you sign-up.

You will receive a link to those that register with login details for the Zoom event.


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Or register manually

Bingo Card