Joe Feldman, President of Joseph Feldman Associates
North Shore Breakfast
Improving the Odds for Acquisition Success: Five Actionable Lessons
Acquisitions are an important strategy for accelerating a company’s growth, improving its competitive position, and expanding into new markets through cross-border deals. And while all significant business decisions are subject to risk, the all-encompassing scope of acquisitions makes such investments among the most uncertain and subject to surprises.
Unfortunately, acquisitions are a business activity often associated with overconfidence. As one investment banker reflected: “Though experienced [acquisition] people should not be surprised, they probably will be.”
Over the last several years, Joe Feldman has been researching ways in which acquisition success rates might be improved and has published results on this topic in Directors & Boards, CIO Review, among other publications. This research, combined with his consulting and corporate experience, has identified certain organizational dynamics that contribute to risk of poor preparation, ill-advised recommendations and absence of preparing for post-closing surprises.
Feldman will share five lessons, along with stories of success and failure, that offer insights for higher success with acquisitions and other crucial business decisions.
Joe is the President of Joseph Feldman Associates, a corporate development consultancy founded in 2003. Joseph Feldman Associates provides acquisitions and other strategic transaction consulting for growing companies and their investors.
Joe serves as on the boards of Southern Seasonings and Chicago Capital Partners and is an Advisor to Evanston Partners. He is a Board member of Chicago Lights, Board President of Warming House Youth Center and past chairman of the Wilmette Youth Commission.
Joe has held leadership roles for Sandbox Industries, Chromatin, First Genetic Trust, Searle Pharmaceuticals, Monsanto and The NutraSweet Company, as well as serving on the boards of CES Optical, Morgan Street Document Systems, and XTEND.
Click here for more information about Joseph Feldman Associates
DATE: Thursday, June 14, 2018
Pre-Pay REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, June 13 at noon.
TIME: 7:00-8:30 am
LOCATION: Max & Benny’s (Brookside Shopping Center), 461 Waukegan Road, Northbrook, IL 60062
COST: Please prepay
Pre-paid $20.00
Walk-in tickets at the door: $30.00
We meet the second Thursday morning of every month. If you would like to present or have a suggestion for a presenter, please contact [email protected].