North Shore Breakfast
Key Lessons and Trends About Successful Coaching and Mentoring in Growth Companies Today. This breakfast talk can fuel your fresh start to mentoring in 2017!
Karyn Pettigrew, CEO of Blind Spots
Karyn Pettigrew is an award winning intuitive business and professional consultant, author, motivational speaker, and teacher.
Her firm, Beyond Blind Spots™, is pioneering the Intuitive Alignment Method™; a method that readily and successfully combines intuition and traditional business principles. Intuitive Alignment guides the client toward greater performance and satisfaction by clarifying focus, intention and commitment. When this occurs, integrity returns, things flow effortlessly, and stress is dramatically reduced.
“My clients are entrepreneurs who want a more fulfilling life experience, and healthy, happy, productive teams and work environments. We work to find clarity and what is unique and special about the company which can lead to less struggle, higher profitability and more overall enjoyment. I am committed to spirit-guided business leadership and the idea that we can prosper doing what we love!“
~ Karyn
Ms. Pettigrew’s work invites the aspect of each of us that can serve as a role-model for positive change in the world. Without changing anything but our perspective, this work can bring about dramatic improvement in our lives and our environments.
For over 12 years, Ms. Pettigrew has led organizations such as Peoples Energy, the Illinois State Lottery, and Quaker Oats through myriad marketing, communication and corporate strategy initiatives. Her work has included: integrated strategic marketing; brand and new product management; organizational strategy; advertising and media coordination; product promotion; event coordination; crisis management and execution; and research planning, development and execution. Ms. Pettigrew’s management experience includes, leading small (2-4 person) and large (20+) staff teams; managing budgets of over $22 million; directing and managing multiple external partnerships such as media, graphics, advertising, public relations and research.
Ms. Pettigrew received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Wellesley College and her Masters of Business Administration degree from Harvard University. She was named a 2007-8 Growth Guru by the Women’s Leadership Exchange and sits on the Board of Directors for the Chicago Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners; from which she received the President’s Award in 2007. She has been facilitating courses and offering motivational presentations on change management/ transformation, creative manifestation, personal leadership and work/life balance for the past several years. Ms. Pettigrew currently sees clients for private consultations and corporate consulting. She facilitates workshops based on material from her books, I Quit and Choose Work That Aligns With My Soul and The Invitation — The secret to creating your best life.
DATE: Thursday, January 12, 2017
TIME: 7:00-8:30 am
LOCATION: Max & Benny’s (Brookside Shopping Center), 461 Waukegan Road, Northbrook
COST: Wharton Alumni and their guests: $20.00
Reservation deadline: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 12:00 noon