How To Optimize Your Career - 3 Part Discussion Series and Workshop

Date and Time
Saturday, April 8, 2017
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Spencer Stuart
353 N Clark
Suite 2500 Board Room
Chicago, IL 60654
United States
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In response to member requests, The Wharton Club of Chicago is extremely excited to be offering a special three part seminar series and workshop entitled “Optimizing Your Career”. The initial program will be piloted on a selective basis with eight members. The Club has enlisted Chris Nadherny (WG ’79), a respected career coach and former longtime Partner of Spencer Stuart to design this unique program.

During his 30 years with Spencer Stuart, Chris led senior executive search assignments for a wide range of mid-sized, large and global client organizations across a wide breadth of industries and leadership positions, assessing thousands of successful professionals. He also provided invaluable counsel to many other executives whose career paths had been disrupted or stalled. Through this activity he developed uncommon insight about what successful careers look like, how they are formed, and the mistakes that many executives make. He is the author of a soon to be published book, “How to Optimize Your Career”, a real world career management guide for optimizing professional success, satisfaction and rewards.

The seminar series led by Chris consists of three, two hour discussion and work sessions covering a range of topics including: The Most Important Determinants of Your Career; Assessing and Building Your Executive Profile; and The Building Blocks of Successful Career Management. A full agenda of the discussion series and workshop is below.

Seminar series information is as follows:
Dates: Saturdays - April 8, April 15 and April 22
Time: 9:30am – 12 pm
Location: Spencer Stuart Board Room – 353 N. Clark, Suite 2500, Chicago, IL 60654
  Be sure to bring picture ID for security purposes
Cost: $250 for the series of three sessions
Application Process: Please submit your most recent resume via email to Vivek Iyer, Board Member, Wharton Club of Chicago, as soon as possible and preferably by March 22, 2017
Additionally briefly describe what you would like to achieve in participating in this seminar series in your email to Vivek.         

  • This initial seminar series is targeted at mid-career professionals
  • You must be a Wharton MBA or a Wharton undergraduate
  • For the cohesiveness of the group and to obtain full benefit, selected participants must commit to all three sessions
  • All selected participants must be current members of the Wharton Club of Chicago

This invaluable career management seminar series is being offered to Wharton Club members at a fraction of what six hours with an experienced career coach would typically cost. The seminar series committee will review applicants to select a balanced group for this first seminar series. While we would hope that all applicants would be current members of the Wharton Club of Chicago, all participants that are selected must be members of the Wharton Club of Chicago in order to participate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Vivek Iyer, Board Member, Wharton Club of Chicago.

Wharton Club of Chicago Leadership Team

3 Part Discussion Series and Workshop

Day One Session
Fundamentals of Effective Career Management

  • Taking Charge
  • Awareness
  • Supply & Demand
  • Being Receptive to Feedback

How Attractive is Your Executive Profile?

  • A Self-Diagnostic – The Executive Profile Attractiveness Metric (EPAM)
  • Increasing Your EPAM                       

Day Two Session
Building Blocks of Successful Career Management (Part 1)

  • The job search
  • Your resume (resume critique and discussion)
  • Working with an executive search firm
  • Networking
  • References
  • Successful industry transitions

Day Three Session
Building Blocks of Successful Career Management (Part 2)

  • Effective interviewing (mock interviews)
  • Selecting the right job
  • Compensation
  • Gracious departures
  • A great start in your new role


  • Several Other Noteworthy Topics – Personal Reputation, Leadership
  • Summarize Key Thoughts from the Sessions
  • Each participant to share the three key action steps s(he) will take

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Career Discussion Series and Workshop
Map & Directions

Spencer Stuart

353 N Clark, Suite 2500 Board Room, Chicago, IL 60654, United States,
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