Cubs: Tour and Game - Non-Member

Date and Time
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
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Wrigley Field
1060 W Addison St
Chicago, IL 60613
United States
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Attend a Tour of Historic Wrigley Field and Game Against the Cincinnati Reds

Wharton Club of Chicago, Harvard Business School Club of Chicago, and Harvard Club of Chicago 

There are limited tickets for Wednesday, August 16 for a two part event at Wrigley Field:

TOUR 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Pre-game tours make stops in the seating bowl, bleachers, upper deck and field - all while learning about Wrigley Field's unique 103 year history. Finishing by the gift shop, there is photo opportunity with the World Series Championship Trophy.

GAME 7:05 when Cubs will host the Cincinnati Reds.

The seats are located in the Terrace Reserved Infield, Section 237. Concessions may be purchased at one of the many stands in Wrigley Field.

Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2017
3:00 pm - Tour of Wrigley Field
Opportunity for photos with World Series Champion Trophy
7:05 pm - Cubs vs. Reds game
Location: Wrigley Field, 1060 W. Addison St., Chicago 60613
Cost - tickets will be mailed:
Wharton Club of Chicago members and their guests: $95/person
Non-members of WCC: $115/person

Want to save by becoming a Member? Click here to Join the Club! Then purchase your tickets at the Cubs: Tour and Game - Members page.

Limited tickets available!! Don't delay! 

Click here to visit the Cubs website transportation page

CANCELLATION POLICY: Tickets will be mailed to purchaser. Once mailed, no refunds will be available and ticket holder is responsible for exchanging tickets if you cannot attend.

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Or register manually

Cubs - Non-Members
Map & Directions

Wrigley Field

1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL 60613, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking