Strategic Career Management for Wharton US Clubs

Date and Time
Thursday, July 16, 2020
6:00pm— 7:00pm
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Virtual Webinar (time shown in CDT)
Chicago, IL
United States
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Practical insights for stronger advancement, job satisfaction, and compensation in an uncertain world

There has never been a time when proactive, strategic, and actionable career management has been more important. 65% of your professional success is determined by how effectively you manage your career. Yet, an estimated 75% of executives “under-manage” their careers at various points in time. Similarly, many bright, ambitious, and energetic executives simply do not understand how to strategically position themselves convincingly in the market. Career “under-management” in today’s disruptive and uncertain environment threatens even the healthiest of careers. In many instances, the painful consequences and resulting career deceleration are felt for multiple years. History has repeatedly shown that ineffective career management leads to conservatively 30% less lifetime compensation, or more. This webinar is designed to assist alumni by providing actionable career management perspectives, insights, and immediate action steps to achieve swifter advancement, greater job satisfaction, and enhanced lifetime earnings.

The Wharton Global Clubs Team is pleased to offer this special program developed by the Wharton Club of Chicago.  Chicago developed this program in response to alumni requests for assistance in navigating their careers through previously unseen levels of disruption and uncertainty brought about by the economic impact of Covid-19, geo-politics, ongoing advances in technology such as AI, and constant merger and acquisition activity redefining competitive landscapes. The 45-minute content-packed virtual presentation will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

The webinar will:

1.) Tangibly and materially illustrate the importance of proactive, strategic career management;

2.) Provide a well-proven and actionable framework and how-tos for effective career management;

3.) Share valuable insights related to 6 career-building skills that are critical to achieving professional success. 

Nadherny_Christopher_Merged_a.jpgChris Nadherny has agreed to lead this program for Wharton Clubs. He is a Board member for the Chicago Club and a former 30-year C-Suite search consultant and Senior Partner from Spencer Stuart, the leading global executive search firm. Chris’ recent webinars, workshops and seminars for the Wharton Club have consistently been sold-out. His prior seminars and workshops include: “How to Optimize Your Career”, “How to Accelerate Your Career”, and “How to Become a More Attractive Candidate”. He is a noted author (The Proactive Executive – October 2017, Amazon “5-Star” reader ratings) and sought after executive coach who has worked with over 70 executives in the last year and a half.



DATE: Thursday, July 16, 2020

TIME:  4 pm PDT / 6 pm CDT / 7 pm EDT



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Virtual Webinar (time shown in CDT)

Chicago, IL, United States,
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