Wharton Webinar Series: Why Does Talking about the Purpose of Work Often Demotivate Employees? How to Avoid the Vision Trap

Date and Time
Thursday, October 19, 2017
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Wharton Alumni Relations is excited to bring you the next faculty webinar offered to our Wharton alumni community. Through October 5, registration will be open EXCLUSIVELY to members of the Wharton Global Clubs Network and Wharton Fund donors. If you are not already a member of our club, we encourage you to join and take advantage of this valuable benefit. JOIN THE CLUB: Click here

DrewCarton-120x139.jpgTitle: Why Does Talking about the Purpose of Work Often Demotivate Employees? How to Avoid the Vision Trap
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017
Time: 11 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Led By: Andrew Carton, Assistant Professor of Management

About this session:
One of the most effective ways to motivate employees is by infusing work with a sense of purpose. In particular, employees respond positively to a compelling vision of the future. Yet we are naturally inclined to think and communicate about the future in ways that prevent, rather than help, other people sense that their work is connected to a meaningful purpose. I discuss research on the science of linguistics and cognitive psychology to unearth a series of tactics leaders can employ to communicate a compelling purpose and avoid falling into the vision trap.

Pre-registration is available to members of Wharton Clubs, both WHARTON ALUMNI and NON-WHARTON ALUMNI. Register today.



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